The fur blanket caressing my naked skin...the soft natural light coming in through the window...I put this dildo inside my #tightpussy and I become so wet in the process. #nudevideo

In the video, you hear me moan as I get so horny that I make myself cum. And you can see my creaminess getting the dildo all dirty. This is 45 seconds of seeing and hearing my little pussy get fucked with a beautiful glass dildo.

There are 14 high-res nude photos - most with the dildo and a few without, showing my wet pussy and holding it open for you.

For the full package price, you get all the photos and the video. Contact me if you would like to purchase a la carte instead of the entire package. XOXO

Buy it now ❤︎

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Price: $10
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Glass Dildo Pics & Vid