Uncovering the Truth of Selling Used Panties Online

Genuine panty sellers are debunking the used panties selling myths published in magazines & tabloids.
'Get real' they say, 'you won't sell 20 pair of panties a day, not even 1 pair sometimes'.

Avoid time-wasters lurking in the fetish community

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Avoid time-wasters lurking in the fetish community
Advice on How to spot a time wasters lurking in the used panties fetish community.
One of the biggest pain on the used panties fetish community, are those seeking free time and stuff from you, with no intention of purchasing any of your panties, ever. Often, these time wasters will disguise themselves as 'Frisky Panty Buyer' or 'Used Panty Addict 123', in an effort to ... Read more...


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