Growing a personal panties fetish business takes time, we can't expect orders to arrive overnight, it takes time to build a relationship with the used panty community, sometimes a long time.
Many successful panty seller websites have a 'presence' which they have worked hard and long for, if to be successful if your aim, you may want to follow some of my suggestions.Your website is your 'store window', you should put as much effort into your used panty site as you can, as the quality of its content needs to attract panty buyers and keep them coming back. A used panties buyer will spend only a few seconds browsing a site before they move onto the next one, this means your content must grab them straight away.
Make sure the first thing they see is you, not a model, not your bed, but you, preferably modelling used panties they may well be able to purchase. Take time to publish good quality photos and display a large and organised selection of used panties stock. (Silk panties and satin panties are by far the most wanted, keeping a few in stock is a good idea) Do you need to show your face? No, you don't have to. Does it help? Yes it does.
Buyers who feel personally connected with you and your site, will be more likely to place an order and return for more. You can connect with your buyers (and other sellers too) by being honest, using an easy and personal writing style, and try to avoid standalone 'Amazon style-click- buy-bye-bye carts', as it really does not get any less personal than that.
Maintain a panty blog - Blogs are free, easy to create and easy to maintain, you could try,,, chose a name that is relevant to what you sell and who you are, and start creating content daily. Content can be whatever you want it to be, it should be relevant to you, your readers, and your used panty business.
A blog will give your network of friends the chance to interact with you, get to know you more, ask you questions, leave comments, etc. In fact, at time, maintaining a blog is a lot more fun than a website.
Make sure there is an easy way to contact you, whether that's via an email form or your email address, your prices, shipping details, and methods of payments are very important too, they must be clearly written and easy to find, there is nothing more annoying then having to email someone to ask trivial questions such as 'do you take credit cards?' or 'how much is shipping to Canada?'. Its so annoying that most buyers won't.
Take your time, do it right, and you will the results in no time.
Genuine panty sellers are debunking used panties selling myths published on magazines & tabloids. "Get real" they say!
I laughed at how ridiculous this particular magazine article sounded
I came across this particular article below when I was traveling to a meeting and at first I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded but actually when I read it again it made me a little concerned if not a bit angry. Woman makes £50,000 from selling dirty panties per…in Uncovering the Truth of Selling Used Panties Online -
Glamour Magazine UK printed an article featuring a used panty seller called ‘Sarah’...
Written by NikkiGlamour Magazine UK printed an article by careers advisor Tanya de Grunwald called SL (Easy) Money? featuring a used panty seller called ‘Sarah’. Plenty of girls have been taken in by the article though. I have received numerous emails in the last few weeks from girls keen to set up…in Uncovering the Truth of Selling Used Panties Online -
£1000 a month selling panties? I thought if you believe that you’ll believe anything
Written by RobynI sell about 5 to 8 used pair of socks every month, guys into feet fetishes really like strong smells so 24 hours wear is never enough. I wear socks for 2 to 3 days, so realistically i can’t sell more then 2 pairs of stinky socks ever week, but…in Uncovering the Truth of Selling Used Panties Online
How to grow an on-line panty fetish business
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- Written by Volunteers