Uncovering the Truth of Selling Used Panties Online
Genuine panty sellers are debunking the used panties selling myths published in magazines & tabloids.
'Get real' they say, 'you won't sell 20 pair of panties a day, not even 1 pair sometimes'.

Glamour Magazine UK printed an article featuring a used panty seller called ‘Sarah’...
Glamour Magazine UK printed an article by careers advisor Tanya de Grunwald called SL (Easy) Money? featuring a used panty seller called ‘Sarah’.
Plenty of girls have been taken in by the article though.
I have received numerous emails in the last few weeks from girls keen to set up their own used panty selling ‘business’. And who could blame them?
The article, entitled ‘SL (Easy) Money?’, states that it is possible to earn £500 from just half a day’s work. I can assure them it is not true.