Genuine panty sellers are debunking used panties selling myths published on magazines & tabloids. "Get real" they say!

Cosmopolitan magazine articles & £200 daily earnings are made up stories

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Dealing with time wasters lurking in the used panties fetish community is one of the biggest challenges, their existence is often the reason why new panty sellers quit within a few weeks having earned nothing.

So how much money can a panty seller realistically make?
Once you learned how to dodge time-waters, it depends on your level of commitment, but if you've read Cosmopolitan magazine made up stories or you think you can earn £200 every day, you are dreaming.

Making money selling used panties is not as easy as running a fictional prison sweat shop.

Before we talk about money, let's talk about where it may or may not come from: Panty Buyers, of which there are several types.

Those to really watch out for are time-wasters, they will approach you with random requests, lying about wanting to buy your used panties and enjoy watching you jump around like a circus monkey.
What you need to pay attention to are buyers will approach you to say Hello, order within 2 emails, or perhaps buy in the future. No free requests, no problem.

Time wasters want free stuff, they buzz around new panty sellers knowing very well that established girls can see them coming from miles.
Anyone who's ever emailed me: 'I want your panties now, 200$ ok?' got blocked immediately.
They also ask questions you have already answered on your profile or your classifieds, they are needy manipulators, use emotional blackmail and send you lengthy emails telling you  ...  "I’m in my mid 20’s and yet to have smelled or tasted a pussy, help me"  ....   "I can’t work, don’t see friends, having to live off benefits, help me" ....Blah Blah Blah.

Often they 'need' you to prove that you are a indeed a real female by taking 'specific' photos under their directions. The truth is that if a panty buyer has doubts about your gender, they wouldn't even be talking to you.

A good question to ask flaky panty buyers is: 'when were you thinking about buying?'
If the answer is vague, cut them loose, and they'll move onto the next newbie whom hopefully will have read this.
Or .... they create a new identity (AKA a sock poppets account) and have another go whistle they hide in their mummy's basement drinking warm milk.

If you are good at identifying writing styles you have a great head start, pay attention to their language, spelling (mistakes), sentence structure, etc, very often you'll find that they use the same emails with slight variations. And if you are technologically wise, check their IP address to see if it matches to previews ones.

We can't make time-waters go away, we've all been there, got smart, learned our lesson, once or twice. Of course the way you decide to allocate your time is down to you, some panty sellers do actually have a lot of spare time, but if you don't, get wise and block, or you'll be chasing fake orders and give away stuff more they'll be dealing with genuine orders.

'How about the time wasting sellers?' I hear you asking!
Indeed, another big pain in the backside on the used panties fetish scene.

Often, these time wasters will disguise themselves as 'Sexy Panty Chick 69' or 'Sexy but Stranded for Cash Student 101', they have absolutely no interest in the actual fetish but could really do with some easy fast cash.
Well, there is no such thing, but they are so blinded and desperate that they fail to identity those guys I have just described, so they vanish with disappointment having made zero$$$.

So how much money can a panty seller realistically make?
Once you learned how to dodge time-waters, it depends on your level of commitment, but if you've read Cosmopolitan magazine 5k per-panty made up stories or you think you can earn £200 every day, you are dreaming. Making money selling used panties is not as easy as running a fictional prison sweat shop.

I sold panties for 10 years before retiring, the largest sum I have ever made on a package was £250, followed by nothing for 2 weeks, if not longer.  On average your panties will sell for £25 for a day of wear, if you are REALLY dedicated and professional you might sell a few pairs a week, probably followed by extended weeks of nothing and more nothing.

Ultimately, buyers know how much they should be paying for a pair of panties, so don't insult them by pricing yourself 3 times more than the ongoing market, you won't sell a thing and you'll look dishonest.

What's dedicated and professional mean?
It means learning the ropes, challenging yourself and your photography skills, asking for help if you get stuck, running social media, a blog, engaging with the community at large, be original and stop going on about wet & juice you are (yawn), act like you are running a business and not an high school drama series.

Some pretty girls enjoy bragging about how much (more) money (than you) they make, but I have always questioned their motivations for making such surreal claims, and you should do to, because finding honest people in this industry, is actually really hard. 

Serena, now retired.
Country: UK